Graduate jobs in South Africa, how to stay positive finding a job.

Job hunting in this economic climate is not a walk in the park because if it were, we would not have the current situation where supply is completely exceeding demand when it comes to graduate jobs in South Africa.

Job interviews for graduate jobs in South Africa are a minefield that few navigate successfully, especially on their first try. It can at times be immensely stressful as the pressure of paying back student loans looms ahead of you, not to mention completely discouraging when you seem to be failing in finding the exact fit for a graduate vacancy.

Not getting discouraged is harder than one can imagine as the longer it takes to find your dream job, feelings of despair and hopelessness may make staying positive quite a challenge.

While it may seem impossible at times, there are ways to keep a positive mindset during this time. Most importantly, you need to acknowledge that the anxiety and depression you may be feeling is real, and more common than you think. Reach out to your family and friends and allow them to stay connected to you and assist where they can.

It may not pay you anything, but consider your job hunt as a job. Vacancies for graduates are not always on your doorstep and you have to keep doing your research, networking and leg work. Analyse your needs and if you consider your job hunt as a job, treat it as you would a real job.

As with any other vacancies for graduate jobs in South Africa, the requirements for this “job role” are to manage your time, organize your day and set goals for the day or week. Having a routine will ground you and help you stay focused.

To keep a healthy work/life balance, make sure that you take time off from your job hunt to clear your mind and reset your goals where necessary.

To keep an eye on the vacancies for graduate please follow us on LinkedIn