While there are many ways of clarifying what skills development in the workplace is, a simple explanation is that structures have been put in place in the specific work environment that enhances a company’s workforces’ skills, relevant to the job roles and duties that need to be satisfied.

A company that realises that its success is based on how well its staff compliment performs will actively encourage skills development, and promote all available avenues to up skill not only their new recruits, but also their current workforce.

Is has been well documented that when employees feel valued and cared for by management, productivity increases, people feel more content at work and staff turnover is reduced. Not only will employees feel that they are given opportunities to grow in the company but they will most importantly feel that their career needs are supported.

Skills development, in the workplace, can be as simple as encouraging mentorship roles and programs. These kinds of environment specific skills-transfer projects are beneficial to both the employers and employees, as no extra expenditures are required (which is always good for the bottom-line).

Motivating staff to attend external skills development programmes, will also be advantageous to any company. Incentives such as subsidizing the costs of participating in outsourced development programmes or courses, either in part or in full, or supplying company resources for internally organized skills developments lectures are significant ways to demonstrate to employees that their employer is serious about relevant skills development in the workplace. Governmental assistance is also provided in the form of Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) for those companies who wish to formalize their skills development programmes.

In a country where unemployment rates are skyrocketing, skills development programmes which lead to improvements in individual skill sets are necessary, not only to get more people employed, but also to help workers stay employed.