As with many new digital technological enhancements, it will become all the more normal for future employers to make use of virtual conferencing platforms with which to conduct job interviews.
There are many upsides to virtual interviews, as it is more convenient and easier to have access to prospective employees, wherever they may be globally. This method of interviewing can also save companies vast amounts of money, and most importantly, it is not as time consuming in a world where “time is considered money”.
Prospective employers may consider one of two options when it comes to initiating a virtual job interview. The first, and lesser used option, is a one-way virtual job interview, where a pre-recorded set of interview questions is forwarded to the prospective candidate, and the candidate then records and submits their answers.
More commonly used though is a two-way virtual job interview, which is a real time job interview conducted via one of the numerous video conferencing platforms available.
It is vital to note that whether an interview is conducted in person, or virtually, the standard rules and protocols will still apply. However, as the virtual job interview does bring to the fore some unique challenges, such as the limited ability to read body language and facial expressions, there are still some guidelines which can assist you with having a successful virtual job interview.
Do your research and prepare adequate answers to possible questions. Dress appropriately and ensure you know how your hardware and software works, testing your camera and microphone beforehand. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer, ensuring that you are looking into the camera of your device, with your face in the middle of the screen. Make sure the background is neat and eliminate distracting noises. Maintaining a good posture during the interview and having a friendly demeanour will also show that you can handle non-verbal communication.